Vive 9's latest skin - Marianne is something that you should be looking forward to (store is closed atm and will be reopening on the 15th.) Comes in three skin tones and with several options available in a each skin makeup (light/dark brow, freckles/non freckles, teeth/no teeth), you will definitely find your perfect Marianne.

Here I am showing you the pale, freckled version (love love love the freckles), teeth/no teeth in several make up:

Vive 9 - Marianne
From Left to Right:
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] Piplup -Freks/Teeth *darkbrows
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] Forever - Freks/Teeth *dark brows
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] Toast - freks/teeth *dark brows

Vive 9 - Marianne
From Left to Right:
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] GumDrop - Freks/Noteeth *darkbrows
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] Nudist - freks/noteeth *dark brows
Skin: (vive9) Marianne [pale] Shady - freks/noteeth *dark brows

Tuesday Stuff

Will be pretty busy the coming weeks because I am moving RL, so blogging will be slow and pictures will probably suck (have to pack my desktop) but things will resume soon, and for now here are some cute stuff that you probably want to check out!

Outfit: ...:::KLD:::... Starstruck (0L)

Skirt: ...:::KLD:::... Armanis (0L)

Outfit: ...:::KLD:::... IiRock Diva Support Fit (0L)

Boots: *AuMa* for Lucky Chair JAN 2010 (10 mins lucky chair)

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