Even in SL. You need a phone. But I know you probably don't know where to get it. Ding has a Decoden (a Japanese Handphone) that she got from Hotel Swan that lets her make all these silly gestures when she's on the phone.

I found a free phone today in The Telus Store which is almost similar (well, okay not VERY similar, it's a basic phone after all) to the one Ding has. This store specializes in selling handphones that you find in RL. Yes, the Motorola Razr (or other phones, but mostly Motorola) that you are using everyday! For merely 200L or 300L for some more advanced ones, you can get a phone that allows you to have a funner way to show that you're busy, either in RL or in SL.

Telus Phone
Phones for your SL@The Telus Store

Let's get back to the free phone. Of course it's not as swanky as the ones that you pay for, the one that you get here is a basic phone. When you are at the landing point, you can find a freebie bag right at the counter. The bag consists of three tee shirts and two phones and they are 'functional phones' that are loaded with AOs (Read the notecard that comes in the goodie bag for more information). Here are some pictures of me (in the tees from the freebie bag) showing you how it works

Telus Phone
Top: Telus: Bunny Shirt

Telus Phone
Top: Telus: Disco Bird Shirt

Telus Phone
Top: Telus: Pink Bird Shirt

The Telus Store also sells PDAs for those who are juggling lots of time between RL and SL. (Suri, you might need that :P) Just stop by this place and get the phone, you know you need it, even though this is SL!


Vent you sweetheart!! Thank you for the advice!!! I definately need to go pick up that PDA.

31/8/08 6:30 PM  

Glad that you are informed, Mrs Nightfire!

31/8/08 10:41 PM  

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