Crush Row and Group Gifts

I am sorry that some people couldn't find the stockings at Crush Row, I was wondering if you have noticed that Crush Row is one of the places that even if you have exact SLURLs to a certain boutique, it still tp you the landing point. So you have to follow the red line to the exact location. And be patient, it's a laggy place, so sometimes the stockings take time to rezz, don't just go there, see no stockings, and start bragging about how disorganized we are.

Just in case you still couldn't find those that I posted yesterday, here are the taxis:

Here are a couple of things from Crush Row and some group gifts from Church of Luxe, Coco and Thimbles. One thing about the group gifts, I usually mention if it's from the group notice, or subscribo. When it's stated subscribo, don't go search for groups, because you won't find anything, just go to the store, touch the subscribo and check the history from there.

Christmas stuff
Hair: * 0 Style *CSR2008w Gift*(posted here)
From Left to Right:
Jacket: *GC* X-Mas Sweater (1L)
Leggings: League Metallic Snowflake Leggings (0L, under the christmas tree)
Boots:*COCO*_Gift_Boots (Join *COCO* Update Group and get it here)

Dress: *Thimbles* Holiday Spectacular (Join (Join *Thimbles* Group and check notices)
Boots:*COCO*_Gift_Boots (Join *COCO* Update Group and get it here)

Dress: [CoL] - Gift - Holiday Dress! (subscribo gift)
Boots: *COCO*_Gift_Boots (Join *COCO* Update Group and get it here)

Stay tuned as more updates coming up. Have fun!


Hi Ding! Thank you for covering some of the great stocking gifts at Crush Row, and I wanted to add a few pieces of information.

There are MANY shops with stockings out on Crush Row, and the best way to find them is to just walk along and most are hanging outside the doors of the shops. I noticed that a few designers put the stocking inside (GeorgiaBeanLately and Aitui). GBL also has a stack of presents inside the shop.

Also wanted to note that the sim is laggy right now because of all the traffic from people grabbing the holiday gifts. :)

20/12/08 8:28 PM  

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