Crush Row and Little Fish

You just got to love Crushrow, because you get dollarbie presents everytime there's a holiday and here are some of the stuff that you can grab. Also, there's a present (sweater and jeans) at Little Fish Mainstore (Thanks Jojo) for 48 hours to celebrate the store opening, so grab it when you can!

Boots: Maitreya SoHo Boots 'Black Suede' (Prezzie from Linda, Thanks!!)
From Left to Right:

Top:+*CC*+ Red Kallie Hood(1L)
Dress:*BOOM* Happy Holidays Dress(1L)
Outfit:*BOOM* Santa's Cutey(1L)
Outfit:*Littlefish* New store open gift (0L)

Hair: [the oBscene] Evyione w/extra [Albino](1L)
Skin:[the oBscene] VENUS-Quartz-Icey Bella/SKALDi(1L)
Lashes:[the Obscene] Lashes-SILVER ICE (1L)

That's it for now, have fun!!


can't find the +*CC*+ store there... :-(

20/12/08 1:43 PM  

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